How to increase messaging traffic on Facebook while building better relationships with more engaged customers

You’re starting to see the power of messaging with customers, and now you’re wondering how you can get more customers to message you. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back with these 6 simple solutions to increase your messaging traffic on Facebook.

1. Optimize Your Facebook Page for Messaging

Encourage visitors to message you every time they visit your Facebook page. Your page can have a specific CTA (call-to-action)―a blue button that suggests that visitors should perform a certain action like sending you messages. In order to receive more messages, activate the Send Message button option in your page settings.

increase messaging traffic on Facebook

You can also add the Send Message CTA to each post you create and share. The next time you do so, click on the three dots in the bottom right corner of the post creator. Select Get Messages and everyone interested in your post will be prompted automatically to send you a message.

increase messaging traffic on Facebook

2. Create Click-to-Messenger Ads to Increase Messaging Traffic on Facebook

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Similar to changing the CTA on your Facebook page and posts, you can add a Send Message button to your ads in order to improve your messaging traffic.

When you combine messaging ads with creative incentives―like a discount or free trial― you create highly engaging ad campaigns that motivate viewers to initiate meaningful conversations, which form long lasting relationships with your business.

Tropical Clothing Face Book Ads

If you need help with creating engaging messaging ads, feel free to reach out to us. We are already listed as one of your contacts in the Airy Messenger app, and we’re always happy to hear from our customers.

3. Convert Existing Online Traffic

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Encouraging your existing web traffic is an easy way to jumpstart your messaging game. Facebook’s customer chat plugin can help you in your migration to messaging. Placing the customer chat plugin on your site will give visitors the option to contact you directly via Messenger.

How to Increase Messaging Traffic on Facebook: Tutorial

4. Convert Offline Traffic

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Engage your customers right where they are. Do you have a brick and mortar store? Do you find business cards to be an ineffective way to connect with customers? Prompt visitors to message you by placing a QR code in your store. Need help creating a QR code for your Airy account? Simply message us to find out more.

How to Increase Messaging Traffic on Facebook: Tutorial

5. Convert Existing Contact Lists

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You’ve invested time and money into building a base of contacts, email addresses, and phone numbers. That’s great, those contact points are extremely valuable, useful, and there is no need to get rid of them just because you’ve started messaging.

The best way to convert your old contacts is to send out an announcement to all your various leads encouraging them to message you. Give them an incentive, like 10% off their next order, so that you can build a conversation list that actually converts!

6. Boost Engagement with Campaigns

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In order to boost engagement with existing customers, Airy offers Messaging Subscription campaigns. These are like email newsletters but for Facebook Messenger―and they’re four times as effective!  Once a customer agrees to receive updates from you, you can use our automations to deliver all types of information, from vouchers to newsletters and other custom content.

Click here to learn more about automations and campaigns.

How to Increase Messaging Traffic on Facebook

Start increasing Messaging traffic on Facebook right now

The above mentioned tactics will be sure to help you make the most of messaging as a channel. If you’d like to start increasing messaging traffic on Facebook for your brand, get in touch with us.